In the digital world of today relying on wet signatures and the post is a thing of the post!
Historically protection was done with pen and paper and good old fashioned post. This was timely awaiting docs, costly in time to process manually, lead to errors even the loss of documents! This impacted on the families as the protection was not guaranteed and fixed until all application documents in and processed
With the advancement of technology a telephone call can collate and gather all the application data in minutes rather than days / weeks. Meaning less error’s quicker time to protect and ultimately lower premiums going forward.
However still today not all providers do this automated process! Moreover, in business life insurance protect protection or “Relevant life” the Trust documents which make the life insurance inheritance tax proof still require wet signatures with many providers. Getting these more complicated forms back has the same problems as above.
Golden Rock Solutions gives free independent advice to highlight the quickest and easiest provider(s) to use, reducing time to get protected and minimising risk. Please get in touch for free help to protect you, your family and your business.