income protection. Mortgage and illness protection advice Nottingham

We all get ill from time to time, so protecting the Mortgage fee and lifestyle costs is a great peace of mind solution – and we only have so much sick pay and savings right? Most families could only survive a short period of time if down to x1 income or even a reduced income. Having some kind of Mortgage protection in the event of illness or passing helps keep your home after the nasty events have happened.

The insurance giant Scottish Widows launches Income protection to help protect more families in “any event you can not work” confirmed by GP. This is subject to application and underwriting like all insurance solutions; however some of the great take aways for this Income protection offering are:

A minimum benefit guarantee of £1500.00 (this is for clients with a higher sum assured than £1500.00pm).

Hospitalisation cover – they pay £125.00 per night.

Fracture cover – £4000 per year can be claimed.

To find out how to protect your income, ensure your Mortgage (and or lifestyle costs) is paid and gain stability in the event of any medical reason you can not work please get in touch with Golden Rock Solutions and ask about income protection