Executive Income Protection
Directors and owners of limited companies can use executive income protection to protect their income, like sick pay. Unlike critical illness or key man solutions income protection solutions pay of ANY reason the director can not work not just the conditions on the plan AND meeting the severity stated. We then specify how much income is payable, when would the monies be paid and for how long… for example:
To provide an income after Doctors diagnosis you’re unfit to work and can’t do your job for any reason! (like stress, illness, covid-19/long covid, accident or even a critical illness) Monies paid after “DEFINED” number of weeks for “DEFINED DURATION” or to the insured age in years. Monies would be paid to the limited company for the limited company to invest, protect and ensure profitability. Monies can be paid to the insured director whilst not fit for work at the companies discretion; however tax implications would be applicable for these ‘wages’ and monies – obviously. Guaranteed premium so does NOT increase with age!!! (FYI does use dividends as an income source not just PAYE and joint incomes) ZERO impact on P11D.
Executive income protection is stronger than domestic income protection because it can protect a larger amount of income…