Inflation for food now hits 12%, all our bills and costs raising by what appears every week and families and businesses looking to find the gap to make ends meet..

A big element of the work Golden Rock Solutions does is try to save money when the structure of the protection is not as efficient as possible – huge monthly savings can be found. We do a free service to review this for families and business owners too! 

The growing feed back we are getting is the Life Insurance, critical illness protection and or Income protection we took out years ago whilst may appear cheap does it actually cover our needs now? Moreover, if inflation keeps growing will it cover our needs in the future is we are ill or pass way.

If we compliment the above with “what does the historic protection do?” All protections have revisions changes and additions for example critical protection did not have some may definitions and features around respiratory before Covid now many do… Income protection can insurer you so if you are well and able to work but need to care for your family monies can be made available (great for parents and those with elderly family!)

Yes Golden Rock Solutions is cleaver at saving money each money for the family (or the business) but we need the Life Insurance or illness protection solution to actually cover our needs – ideally with functionality to help and assist us and importantly grows with our lifestyle not over taken but inflation and changes in the world.

For a FREE review and discussion how to save and futureproof life insurance, critical illness protection and safeguard your income (Income protection) please get in touch 

