We must hear every day “I’m never ill” “I will be ok” “my family would be their for us if i was ill”
Which I’m sure are valid points but how far could a family survive on family hand outs and savings and how often do these nasty events happen?
Liverpool Victoria commissioned a report on young families where the couple are aged 25 – 39 with young children. The findings on the probability of having to take time off work due to illness or that family becoming a single parent family is horrid reading.
59% chance of being off work for 2 months or more
27% chance of suffering a critical illness
9% chance of death
66% likelihood of any of these
41,000 children will loose a parent EACH year in the UK
How we want to defend our family around known issues like getting ill, getting critically ill or not being their to support our family is our choice and we must act before we get older or health changes (this will only impact on the price of the protection and if its possible to obtain it or not!)
For free advice on how to protect your family if your a your family or not please get in touch with Golden Rock Solutions