Most families would agree if we cant work through accident and or injury it will not take long to have a financial impact on the known costs and stability of home (sick pay and savings only last so long…). After all the land lord or Mortgage wants paying if we are ill or not. Also for parents children want feeding no mater what too!
Now British Friendly specialise in providing cover for the harder to insure such as manual workers, key workers, the self-employed and those who may find it difficult to prove a regular income, but our inclusive and flexible offering also means we can provide cover for other professional occupations as well.
They also have a unique approach to those on a smaller income. Typically a income protection would only protect 60-70% of income. However for incomes of £12,000 per annum £1000 or 100% can be protected!!
Paying out some £4.9 million in claims in 2021 of which 34% where muscular skeletal; muscular sprains strains or damage or broken bones which not typically covered in a critical illness plans! Anxiety was also 9% of claims again not a critical illness.
All insurance companies are different on how they work and charge their protection Golden Rock Solutions give free advice to help families find the right provider no matter their occupation, health and lifestyle choices. Please get in touch for more information