Having a condition like diabetes can be limiting enough but for many it limits the options for their family protection and what they pay for life insurance, critical illness and income protection.

As Golden Rock Solutions has said many times all insurance companies and even their opinion, stance, premium & even questions to apply for insurance changes – this is before we look at medical and lifestyle challenges 

If we know which companies are the most understanding to the medical conditions, lifestyle choices and occupations it makes it easier to place (a quick time to get the protection secured and sometimes may “not” need a medical report!)

Golden Rock Solutions often hints to those diabetic or with other health conditions get up to date readings (like current Hba1c and types of medication used to support you). This will help the application process and the data can often be gathered direct from your GP surgery or over the phone again to GP.

If we don’t have this data or select a company that want confirmation of GP Report it may force the application process to need a GP report to be sourced. Gathering a report from a GP, whilst is free of charge and you’re under no obligation (The insurance company pay for the info!), it impacts on the time to have the information available often by post and can take months!. 

The final price or premium is not secured until the terms have been created (GP report assessed) and both the applicant and the provider start – until then the premiums keep rising with age (and any new health impacts)! 

Golden Rock Solutions can help you obtain relevant protection quickly and cost effectively. This information and advice is free of charge and independent. Please get in touch for more information and support

