Working in Life Insurance its great to feed back some of the positive wins we have for the families we work with.

As we have said before all families needs, occupations, current and previously health and lifestyle choices are different. This in-turn is just like the Life Insurance companies they are all different from an application process, how they work and protect us and of course their cost.

The example we worked with were the insured had a wide range of recreational drug use including Cocaine, Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms, a smoker and diagnosed with ADHD.

We not only found protection for this family and locked the premiums but if / when the nicotine smoking stops (12 months Nicotine free) the premiums will REDUCE – without re-applying. 

To say the family was happy was an understatement knowing the life insurance is there to protect their family (outside of the historic things they have done) and the premium reduces is the icing on the cake.

Not all life insurance companies would have or do have this opinion Golden Rock Solutions gives free advice so you can protect your family.  

