For homeowners the Mortgage is one of the first things they think of paying each month. If they were ill they may have to rely on reduced sick pay from work and or dip into savings each month to make sure the payments continue.
Most families remember the statement from all the Mortgage companies “Your home is at risk if you do not keep up with the payments”
However, MetLifes’ new product MortgageSafe starts paying the Mortgage amount from week 4 – taking this strain and financial worry away from families.
MortgageSafe provides a monthly benefit designed to cover your mortgage repayments for 12 or 24 months if you suffer an accident or illness which means you are unable to work for at least 4 weeks. There are 3 levels of cover for you to choose from, designed to pay a monthly benefit in the event you are unable to work.
This is complemented with really easy underwriting and approval process.
Protecting our home should be easy and MortgageSafe if providing families a fantastic opportunity to do this.
Please get in touch for more information on this