Life insurance and critical illness protections take into account our health, occupation and family history as a landscape. This information is the foundation stone for the underwriters at the insurance companies to build a premium or cost for the required protection needs of that individual or family.

How we feed this information back used to be solely reliant on paper. As a mechanic it was costly, admin rich and took ages for the approval process.

With the advances of technology now we have x2 options:

Over the phone application

A recorded call which simply asks for the health and lifestyle questions is made thus applying for the required protection. This usually lasting 20 – 30 mins but it allows all the data and required questions to be gathered and potentially the protection to start at the end of the call. The first payment would be 10 – 14 days later via direct debit. This also allows all the questions answered to be confirmed back to you – so you double check you’re happy. You would be sent your protection policy documentation terms and conditions with the above too!

Online Application

Some families just don’t know when to programme a timed call to apply so having the application available online is a great step to manage their diary and work towards getting protected. Obviously, understanding the families needs is step one. Then a link for that protection is emailed to family where like above the family can go through the questions, complete and submit. 

Not all the companies do the second style of application and i suppose we need to know if their premiums and protection is relevant for that family.

Golden Rock Solutions would like to talk with families about quality cover and easy ways to apply for that protection.

