Some would say Motorbikes are more dangerous than other modes of transport. Life insurance companies definitely have different opinions.

Just like our car insurance the life insurance company’s looked at each applicant so age, gender, health and more. Obviously ,they look at the specific motorbike they are riding now how big or what cc the bike is, number of miles driven when applying for the life insurance or other protections like income protection

Sometimes applicants only ride their motorbike for some summer dry miles rather than the everyday mode of transport.

All of these factors make each life insurance company very different for each motorbike rider – all with strengths and weakness. Some add huge loadings for the motorbike whilst others there is ZERO impact.

Some motorcyclists are looked at more favourably when older much like car insurance. Again, knowing which companies vs which age limits and thresholds helps secure the best protection.

Many motorbike riders want life insurance with fracture cover – just in case there is a moment too! Not all providers do this. 

Golden Rock Solutions gives free independent advice for if you ride a motorbike or considering? You get the right protection on or off the saddle for you and your family

