Waiting times to see our GP’s are getting longer and longer. May be its the fall out and impact of Covid, lack of funding to the NHS or just simply the number of GP’s whom are available.

Either way, being able to see a Doctor to understand our health and identify if we need medical help quickly only increases a quick recovery process.

Some Life Insurance Companies have set up a panel of General Practitioners to offer a service (included within the Life insurance) so either over the phone or facetime / zoom meetings we can quickly get a consultation.

Not only is this great for saving weeks of waiting, minimises pain but i feel should start to help identify more serious conditions sooner – Thus protecting families.

Life insurance should be about supporting families, giving us peace of mind in good times and bad. As Golden Rock has said before not all insurance companies are the same in how they support our needs. 

We give free independent advice to not only give great monthly premium for the protection but additional value.

