The British Heart Foundation (BHF) have estimated that in the UK more than half of the population will get a heart or circulatory condition in our lifetime and with over 10% of all critical illness claims paid out for Heart Attack in 2021 you could say this may be true.
If we were to be diagnosed with a heart condition or critical illness how would it effect you ability to work? pay the Mortgage? feed the family and have financial freedom whilst we are getting better?
Additionally would you be able to work again after an event like a critical illness?
Many families unfortunately have seen their family diagnosed with critical illnesses like Heart Attack or Cancer and the impact can be huge. Therefore to try and remove the financial risk critical illness protection can be made trio defend our home and family life.
All critical illness the protections from each company are different in the questions they ask to apply, the illnesses they protect and defend us with, the severity a claim would be paid at, features and add on benefits to help us in our day to day life – let alone the monthly premium.
Golden Rock Solutions is an independent advice service whom listen to what is important to you, working with your budget can then advise how to protect and defend you family. Please get in touch for more FREE information