Guardian Financial Services Limited is an appointed representative
of Scottish Friendly Assurance Society Limited. All products are provided by Scottish Friendly, an insurer with 160 years’ experience in providing financial products and services. 

Guardian and their forward thinking to life insurance have made a fabulous leap forward in now launching their income protection

Income protection works on the basis is we are ill and can not work the contract and agreement would pay money (confirmed by our Doctor). A bit like our own sick pay. The cost of the income protection is dependant on our age, gender, occupation and the health landscape for the applicant. obviously how much money you want and how long it will be paid is a driver for the protection too.

Not all providers are the same. and yet again Guardian have made a notable serious of improvements to how they protect families – just like their life insurance products. Guardian claim that 75% of long-term work absence is caused by non-critical illnesses – which begs the questions how would we pay the bills?  

There were a staggering 150 million working days lost due to sickness and absence in the UK in 2021. (This is according to,uk)

To understand how you can defend you family for less than the costs of a take away. Get in touch its Free independent advice to match you to the provider for your needs 

