As many families know the cost of living is increasing at a scare rate at the moment. Many of the families we are working with question the safety nets and protection they set up years ago “how relevant and effective would that be now and going forward”

Simply adding more and more protection on top of each other is not always the best answer. After all we are getting older everyday AND if there is a health change we may not be able to get the additional protection when required. SO what is a better solution?

This is why many families are reviewing their protection with Golden Rock Solutions and looking at Indexation. This option gives family the ability to add more per month to the premium to pull the historic protection up to todays same value. Importantly this does not reference age, health, occupation or even our families health into account… Its purely looking at adding and enhancing your  family protection – if you want to!

Golden Rock Solutions pride ourselves in giving quality Independent advice that is futureproof protecting the now and future. After all families know that tough times will come to everyone the right protection makes things “a little” easier

